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The QAA evidence is assessed through an independent external review process. Inclusion on the Register is voluntary for external quality assurance agencies.
A QAA that has substantiated concerns about the conduct of the APQR review process and/or a decision made by the APQRC may address these to APQN Board in line with this guideline for appeal.
Individuals or organizations that have substantiated concerns about a registered agency's compliance with APQR Criteria, incorporating the Chiba Principles as well as INQAAHE Guidelines of Good Practice, or the external review process may address these to APQN Board in line with this guideline for appeal.

I. Principles
An appeal will only be considered as an official appeal in the sense of the APQR Procedures for applications if it is credible, substantiated and supported by appropriate evidence, references, examples etc. APQN Board will only consider appeals that are related to:
•    the integrity of the external review process on the basis of which APQR admitted an agency to the Register, e.g. processes that were not observed or evidence of bias by APQRC or the review panel.
•    APQN Board does not have a mandate to:
•    review individual processes or decisions of registered agencies concerning a particular higher education institution or program;
•    construe national legislation, or any other applicable rules. Concerns as regards compliance with such rules should be addressed to the competent courts or authorities.

II. Process
Appeals have to be submitted to the APQN Secretariat in writing by email, fax, regular mail or using the on-line form.
Any documents should be attached in plain text or PDF format.
APQN will acknowledge receipt of appeals (except anonymous ones).
The appeal will be considered by the APQN Board, which reserves the right to ignore submissions that are bogus or obviously unsubstantiated. The APQN board will decide if and what action to take, as appropriate and in line with the APQR Procedures for Applications, and will (except in the case of anonymous appeals) inform the appellant after the appeal has been considered.
The agency concerned will be informed and invited to make representation in line with the provisions of the Procedures. The agency can opt to have a notary verify the fact that an appeal has in fact been made through an official channel.

III. Format
Appeals have to be clearly addressed to APQN, bulk messages will be ignored. The appeal should include the appellant’s identity, contact information and a statement whether the appealer’s identity may be disclosed to the agency concerned. Anonymous appeals will not be considered.
Appeals have to include at least:
1. The name of the agency concerned.
2(a). The agency’s concern with the integrity of the review process or the integrity of the APQRC’s decision-making; OR
2(b). The appellant’s concerns with regard to the decision made by APQRC, having regard to the agency’s compliance with the APQR criteria or the integrity of the external review process.
Whenever possible, appellant s should refer to specific standards or guidelines or to specific articles of APQR’s Procedures for Application.
3. Evidence supporting the concerns.
4. A statement whether the issue has been taken up with the agency concerned (if applicable); if so, with what result; if not, for what reason.
5. Information on any current or past relationship the appellant (if not the agency) has/had with the agency concerned.

IV. Disclaimer
This guideline for appeal is solely designed to provide guidelines within APQR for purposes of reviewing appeals. It may not be relied upon in any manner by any other person or for any other purpose.